
Exploitation Resources

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Topic Sheets

The Global Sex Trade Topic Sheet - Years 9-13
Child Trafficking Topic Sheet - Years 5-13
Child Labour Topic Sheet - Years 5-13
Protecting Children Topic Sheet - Years 5-13

Exploitation and Child Rights

What works to end violence against children? - Years 5-13

Research and reports about ending violence against children. Learning resources to deep dive into this topic for senior students and educators.

The Tragedy of Child Labour - Years 7-13

The story of three child labourers in India – 11-year-old Murugan, who rolls beedis (home-made cigarettes) to pay off his parents’ loan; 11-year-old Valli, who breaks rocks now that her father is too ill to work; and 13-year-old Bharati, who has been rolling beedis since the age of nine. The video shows the terrible toll that child labour exacts on the children, their families, society and future generations. (25 minutes, 1998)

Child Labour and the Work Children Do - Years 1-8

Child Labour: The case study of ex-labourer, Priya (12) and her family in India shows how work affects children’s lives. Colour photos, information pages to print, work descriptions and a range of learning activities help students relate easily to this topic. Work Children Do: Arvind (8) used to work but now goes to school. Find out about his daily life in India through student-friendly information pages to print, colour photos, and learning activities. Explore what is suitable work and why some children need to work to help their family. (2005)


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